Message by Arun Sir
Director's Message
Dear Students,
The 21st Century is a strange era, offering both opportunities for unlimited growth and threats of high competitive atmosphere simultaneously. Survival for the fittest is going to be the rule and hard work with good teaching guidance will be the key to success. Nobody can spell your success except you. A student’s life should be marked with self-discipline and sheer hard work. Succeeding in examinations like IIT-JEE, AIEEE, CBSE PMT & RPMT, one needs lot of determination and sincerity. Like Arjuna you should be looking right of your aim and no distractions should perturb you from achieving your milestones. I have seen even the best of students ruining their careers because of lack of sincerity. Ideally students should start preparing right from their 11th standard for entrance examinations of engineering or medical. A perfect balance between school work and preparation of entrance examination has to be maintained. 10 – 12 hours of fruitful studies and proper time management is a must.
The cut throat competitions sometimes also brings stress and mental pressure to students but big goals do bring little troubles. One should always be confident of oneself and should proceed forward without any fear. Talking to your teachers, friends and relatives helps in boosting your sprits.
Arun’s Academy is committed to provide an environment of Gurukul that is perfectly conductive for learning and obtaining top ranks in IIT-JEE, AIEEE & PMT. The curriculum of ‘AA’ is a fine mixture of conceptual knowledge and conducive atmosphere that prepares students for any entrance examination of national level. Moreover, the students who turnout have to be conceptually sound and mentally tough. In a nut shell, the institute is progressing by a real sound system and the day is not far away when it would be amongst the best coaching institute in the country.
I hope that your visit to the institute will be fruitful and will give you the full idea of national level entrance examinations with the result oriented coaching.